published June 29, 2022   //  written By Amy

published June 29, 2022

written By Amy

I’ve got to bet there’s things in each of our lives that feel swirly, overwhelming and chaotic. Can you think of some? Sometimes there’s peace and calm, but sometimes—some days or seasons—there’s overwhelm and chaos and storms.

What overwhelm is in your life this week?
What things feel too big, overwhelming, threatening, or defeating?

*You are going to make it.*
You have all you need to make it through, because you have Him.
No storm is too big, for His presence to settle it.

Like the wild storm the disciples found themselves in, tossed and terrified in the middle of a lake, middle of the night storm. 

Jesus up in the hills on his own, but seeing them from a distance, noticing they were in “serious trouble” and so he left his spot and made way to his friends at 3am, in the middle of the night. (Mark 6v47-51)

Because it doesn’t matter what time of day it is, when God sees you’re in trouble, facing a storm, He always comes. 

He walked right out on that water to His friends, “Take courage, I am here!”

And when He comes, the storm settles.

He stepped in their boat and that whole entire, fierce storm calmed. Still. 

The Storm Settler.

Isn’t He the one we need?

He is God, right here, with us, looking us in the eye, taking our chin in his strong but gentle hands, “I am right here. I am right here. Look in my eyes. You’re going to be okay.

When He comes, the storm calms. 
When He comes, the chaos, uneasiness, and overwhelm settles. 
He can hold it all, calm it all.

*And when He comes, we can take a deep breath of fresh air.*

We can breathe easier again because *He* is here.

His calm, His power, His presence can settle ANY storm. 

With Him, the storm in me settles.
With Him, my heart can rest at ease.

I don’t know what storm, what too-big, overwhelming things you’re up against.
But I’m sure of one thing, He is here—here with me, and right there with you—and His hands are big enough, strong enough, capable enough to hold it all and calm *any* storm.

Do you want to just take a moment and gaze in His eyes? You don’t have to say anything, but maybe you want to? If you find yourself fidgety, or trying to look away, He doesn’t. 

He’s completely at peace with wherever you’re at, and whatever you find yourself doing.
He’s not going to shame you or tell you all the areas you don’t measure up.
Look in His eyes.
Sit in His presence for a moment longer. 

Can you hear His gentle whisper…
The storm may feel chaotic and scary, but I’m here.
It may feel like you’re having to work so darned hard just to stay afloat, but call out to me.
You’ll find, I am here.
And when I come, things settle.
Things fall into line.
The chaos stops, the swirl ceases, and peace becomes your portion.

You are *SO* loved. And never forgotten.

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