published March 15, 2022   //  written By Amy

published March 15, 2022

written By Amy

What suffering or pain or hard thing have you frankly ignored, neglected, because the reality is, it feels to painful to bear? Do you have those things? I have those things. 

But this week I’m keenly aware, keenly reminded, that yes, we hold onto hope and we believe for and hope for and CONTEND for the BEST. But, sometimes – in the waiting between heaven come and now – our living reality is brokenness. And there, even there, in the mystery and the pain, the disappointments and the unanswered questions, He is there. God – here with us. And thus, hope is also here.

Because sometimes our hearts break and there’s great mystery and pain and suffering, and tears flow and hopes feel crushed, and yet in all of it, He, God Himself is with us, near us. He is close to the brokenhearted. And I remind myself, He always works ALL things for good. And, He has GOOD plans for me, for us – insert your name – and He is planning a bright future for us (Jer29v11). And, when you face trials, pain of any kind, consider it joy because your endurance has space, opportunity to grow (Jms1v2). 

And so, though these trials, this pain, this suffering is not Heaven come down to earth – not the way it’s meant to be – in even these we can see God, can still hold onto hope, can still live with and carry joy, simultaneously with pain. 

You name the pain, the trial you face – the never ending health saga, the dead end job, the not-yet opportunities, the hard diagnoses, the tension, the broken, the disappointment, the marriage, the loss, the parenting things that bring you to your knees, the sorrow, the PTSD – you name it. And take it to Him.

Because the best news is, despite these things, despite these not-meant-to-be-this-way, this-doesn’t-feel-like-abundant-life-Jesus-talked-about – still He is here. The best news is, no matter what we face, God is with us. Not just a concept, nice sentiment with us. No. He is here, right here, holding you close, face pressed to yours, squeezing your hands reassuringly, gently – He is here with you and He’s not going anywhere. 

So in the pain weep and cry out and pray for the breakthrough, because He DOES do that and He LOVES to do that. Feel the pain, notice the pain, notice where it’s not what you always hoped for – and turn towards Hope. Turn towards Him.

Because with Him, because of Him, we have sorrow AND hope. Loss AND joy. Pain AND laughter. Waiting AND bright futures. 

And there is not a day we face, that we face alone. He is with us in all of it. Emmanuel – the best name of all. God with you, God with me, God with US. Near, close, not far away. Cupping your face and holding you gently. Weeping with you and carrying your heart. 

We can rise up on wings like eagles and endure whatever may come. We can cling to His joy and in it find strength. 

You have a Friend. You have a Comforter. You have a Mighty Helper and deeply Caring, Present-with-you Father. 

Whatever you face, you are facing with Him. Close by your side, present with what you need, looking out for you and preparing good on your behalf. He is for you. And He’s not going anywhere. 

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