Hi Friends,
This morning the rain is falling and it’s finally starting to feel like fall. I know, we’re a couple months behind, but I guess that’s what you get in an endless summer type place like here. 🙂
The last few weeks, these things have been burning in me, so I’m just going to spill them over, and invite you into the wonder.
The Lord is constantly speaking to us. He wants to be found in EVERYTHING. If we will quiet our hearts, slow down, tune our ears to the One who is eager to be found, we will find Him in EVERYTHING. The more I open my eyes and LOOK for Him, I’m finding He perfectly designed the WHOLE WORLD to point to Him. And I’m sure we’re just getting in on the tiniest bit.
Have you seen the picture going around of what the edge of one cell in our bodies looks like? It’s glorious. Colorful and complex, and beautifully designed. I can only imagine, if that’s what one itsy bitsy tiny cell looks like super zoomed in, what the rest of the world has to offer.
(You can find some of the pictures here: https://www.reddit.com/r/outsideofthebox/comments/jlxfab/the_most_detailed_model_of_a_human_cell_to_date/
Or here: https://angstrom3d.com/cst-molecular-landscapes)
A few weeks ago we were at the creek watching the salmon run, and my word, what a sight! Standing there watching these huge, now red, fish fight to swim upstream, the Lord met me. I was thinking about how salmon live their entire life, only to fight a horrendous, hard battle to make it upstream, just to lay their eggs, and then die. They fight and experience grueling work JUST to give life to their babies, and then they die.
Isn’t that a picture of what Jesus did for us? He lived his life, only to end torture and pain and even death, just to give us LIFE. He embraced the HARD journey for the sole purpose of giving US life. Wow.
Everything is pointing to Him, if we’ll have eyes to see.
Or when was the last time you sat and stared at the ocean waves? They’re mesmerizing, aren’t they? The way the flow in and out, in and out, and never stop flowing. I’ll never forget my Grandma praying one day while we watched the waves roll in. “Thank you God that the waves always remind us of your faithfulness. It just. Never. Stops.”
My word. It’s true, even the waves tell us of the kind Lord’s faithfulness which never, ever stops rolling towards us. The same could be said of his love, his kindness, his goodness, his care. It just. Never. Stops.
EVERYTHING is pointing to Him.
It’s astounding, isn’t it? His love and care for us? The way He orchestrates all things to point us to Him. The way He doesn’t shove himself at us, but is always, always available if we want to find Him.
What a Saviour. What a Lover. What a Friend.
Our Jesus.