Big decisions, little decisions… if you’re looking for direction, answers, wisdom or guidance, this is the absolute EASIEST, most FUN way to come to a decision. Gosh, I wish we knew these 4 keys ten years ago! 🙂


Jesus is the Prince of Peace, He IS Peace. So wherever peace is, there is Jesus. This is a common way to make decisions, and it’s a good one.  Wherever you feel peace, follow that.

James 3v17 says, “But the wisdom from above is first of all pure. It is also peace-loving, gentle at all times, and willing to yield to others. It is full of mercy and the fruit of good deeds. It shows no favoritism and is always sincere.”

Peace loving. Wisdom from above is PEACE LOVING.

Chaos is not Jesus. Confusion is not Jesus.

If you’re making a hard decision, make sure these aren’t in the mix.

That doesn’t mean there will never be hard things and “dangerous” decisions, it means you will still have overarching peace and calm even in hard, busy, big things.


This was the original purpose for this post. Let me tell you, this is the absolute best! This is the newest for us, the one we never knew about. And oh my goodness, it is glorious! J This changed the way we make decisions.

When you have decisions you need to make, or need guidance or wisdom, ask God and EXPECT ANSWERS. Don’t just pray for general guidance or look for peace or closed doors (although those are great cues), but actually ask God specific questions and sit and wait for His voice.

James 1:5 says, “If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all generously and without reproach, and it will be given to him.”

Did you catch that? It WILL be given to him. And He doesn’t even give you “just barely enough.” It says he gives generously!

In prayer or journaling with Him ask Him the questions you need direction or wisdom for. Of course, He may ask you a different question, or let you know you’re asking the wrong question. Be open to and enjoy the dialogue with Him. Afterall, the whole purpose of conversing with Him is not just answers for our benefit but growing relationship with Him. It’s ALL about friendship with Him.

Take note of the things that come to mind when you ask Him the questions. Take note of dreams you may have at night when you are looking for direction. He likes to talk in all sorts of ways.

Daniel 2v28 says, “But there is a God in heaven who reveals mysteries.”

Remember, He LOVES to talk with you, LOVES to be your best friend, LOVES to partner with you and give you insight into decisions and answers.

This has by far been the most fun for us. Sometimes I’ll sit down, not even needing BIG answers, and go through a whole list of life things and ask Him for His thoughts on each “subject.” Finances, family, dreams, future, our church, our city, our jobs…

Tune in, hear His heart and you’re going to get AMAZING insight, wisdom and direction!


He trusts you.

He TRUSTS you.

He trusts YOU.

Are you tuning in to Him and sensitive to His leading? You’re not going to make a bad decision. You make great decisions and He is going to be in whatever you choose. Pursue His heart, and if it’s not a good decision, He’ll let you know. Maybe at the last minute, but He’ll let you know. J


Don’t let fear be your guide. When you’re making a decision, do some heart searching and ask what is leading you to making the decision you’re making. If fear is guiding your decision, sit with Jesus and ask Him where the fear is coming from and release it before you make a decision. Remember? Peace. Peace is Jesus. Peace is His direction.

You and Jesus together make a killer decision making team.

You, friend, are going to make great decisions.

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We are Jesus lovers, believers who believe with wild faith. We believe He’s real, on the move today, and still loves to talk to his kids! 

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