published November 12, 2020   //  written By Amy

published November 12, 2020

written By Amy

Dear Friends, There is a war on our minds right now. A war on our minds and a war on truth, which go hand in hand. A war on whether truth or deception will rule in our minds. 

I woke yesterday with the verse, “Fix your mind on whatever is true, noble, right, pure, lovely…” (Phil 4v8)
FIX. Focus in. Narrow all your vision onto these things. The good things, lovely things, pure things, TRUE things. 

The enemy hurls lies and doubts at us, but they cannot take root when we keep focused on Jesus and what HE says about us and our circumstances.

The enemy will do whatever he can to get us discouraged, to get us to GIVE UP. But we will not lie down helpless and let the enemy have his way. We are more than conquerors (Rom 8v37 NIV). And OVERWHELMING victory is ours through Christ. (Rom 8v37 NLT)

There’s a fierce fight rising up. I can see us standing on the front lines with Jesus. The liar, destroyer, enemy on one side, and our hope-filled, God-ordained futures on the other. 

We are here with Jesus to fight and stand guard over all God carefully created us to be and all the good, bright futures he planned for us from the beginning. We will not let the enemy win.

If you’re struggling today, here’s some rock solid truths to fix your mind on:

You have a BRIGHT future and hope ahead. (Jer 29v11)
You are fearfully and wonderfully made. (Ps 139v14)
You are God’s masterpiece. (Eph2v10)
He planned GOOD THINGS for you long ago. (Eph2v10)
You are deeply loved. (Col3v12, Is43v4)
You are not alone. (Is43v2-5)
You are safe and protected. (Ps33v20, Deut1v31-33, Ps23v4, Ex14v14)
Christ is far above any ruler, authority, power, leader or anything else. (Eph1v21)

No matter what the enemy tries to tell you, these words are the Truth. 

Who you are is no accident. What you’re dealing with will not consume or defeat you. 

You are incredible, perfectly, uniquely crafted and have SUCH GOOD THINGS in store for you.

“You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” (Jn8v32)

So much love from our home to yours,

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We are Jesus lovers, believers who believe with wild faith. We believe He’s real, on the move today, and still loves to talk to his kids! 

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